1. Overview of the AccuRev® Command-Line Interface : AccuRev User Preferences

AccuRev User Preferences
Some accurev commands use AccuRev user preferences to control or modify their operation. User preferences can be supplied in either of these ways:
As a setting in your AccuRev user preferences file: preferences.xml in the .accurev subdirectory of your AccuRev home directory. You can use the AccuRev commands setpref and getpref to maintain the contents of this file.
If an environment variable has the same name as an entry in the user preferences file, accurev commands follow the environment variable and ignore the preference-file entry.
An alphabetical listing of these settings is provided under ENV_VARS on page 268 of the AccuRev® Command-Line Reference chapter. Note that you can display a listing of all AccuRev environment variables when using the command line by typing:
accurev help ENV_VARS

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