Using This Book This book assumes you are familiar with your operating system and its commands, as well as with general AccuRev and AccuWork concepts. For more information on using the AccuRev Java GUI and CLI, see the user documentation and online help devoted to those products. The remaining chapters in this book provide an overview of AccuSync and tell you how to create and manage an AccuSync Configuration: Chapter Description Chapter 1 Overview Describes how to get started using the AccuRev Web UI, including procedures for logging in to AccuRev and what to expect the first time you start the Web UI. Chapter 2 Using AccuRev® Features Provides an overview of the main features of the Web UI, including views like the StreamBrowser™, Version Browser, History Browser, and how to use them. Chapter 3 Using AccuWork™ Describes how to use AccuWork, AccuRev’s integrated change management and issue tracking system. Workflow features are also described. Chapter 4 Using Workflow to Enforce SCM Policy Describes how to configure and manage workflow to help automate issue processing and enforce SCM and development policies. Chapter 5 Using URLs to Access AccuRev® Data Describes how to create URLs that can be used to share issues with other AccuReb Web UI users. Glossary Glossary of general AccuRev and Web UI terms.