The navigation map, to the right of the vertical scroll bar, shows the relative locations and sizes of the areas that differ between the two files. It uses the same color-coding as the difference sections. Click on any point within the navigation map to scroll directly to that area in the file.The right side of the toolbar contains two buttons that allow you to toggle betweenContext Diff and
Full Diff display modes:
In this example, the file currently displayed in the Diff tab is locales.xml. One other file was selected for diffing at the same time, as indicated by the value 1 of 2. In this example, you would use either the Next Element or Last Element to display the second diffed file.Note: You can diff text files only. Examples of text files include files with .txt, .h, .hpp, .c, and .cpp extensions. You cannot diff binary files. If you select both text and binary files, AccuRev displays a warning and allows you to complete or cancel the diff operation.
3. To examine the diffs in the next file you selected in Step 1, click the Next Element button, as shown in the following illustration:See Obtaining Web UI Links for more information on this topic.The Diff Against command lets you compare two versions of a text file. It is available in the File Browser, History Browser, and change package entries on the Issues and Changes tabs. See Using AccuWork™ for more information about issues and change packages.
• Against the previous version in the file's transaction history, via the Versions pane in the History Browser and Displaying Active Transactions.
• Against the current version in the file's transaction history, via the Reviewing Changes to Text FilesIn addition, AccuRev provides two Diff Against > Overlapping Changes options to help you identify and resolve conflicts between two versions of an element that result in an (overlap) status:
• Mine - Compares your workspace version against the common ancestor in the backing stream. This option identifies the changes in your workspace that did not come from the backing stream; it is the equivalent of diffing against the last version that you merged with.
• Theirs - Displays only the changes added to the backing stream since the last time you merged with the backing stream. This option is useful for identifying the changes to the backing stream that caused the overlap condition.The Overlapping Changes options are available only for elements with an (overlap) status.Once you choose the versions you want to compare, the results are displayed in the Diff tab. See Diffing Files in AccuRev® for more information.
1. In the File Browser, right-click the file you want to diff.
2. Alternative: Right-click the file you want to diff in the Issue Edit form's Changes Subtab, then choose Diff Against Basis from the menu.Compares two selected file versions in the History Browser's Summary pane.
2. Select Diff Against Other from the context menu. The cursor changes to a cross when it is over version listings.
1. In the History Browser or the Displaying Active Transactions, click a line in the Summary pane to select a transaction.
3. Choose Diff Prev. Trans. from the context menu to show the changes in that file caused by that transaction alone.This tab appears when a Diff Against Basis command is issued from the context menu in the File Browser Streams pane.This command displays the difference between the selected stream and its basis stream. You can display the differences by file or by issue, and switch between the two using the Issue Diff and File Diff buttons once the initial difference has been displayed.If you choose Diff Against Basis (by Files), the File Diff tab appears. This tab shows the source and destination streams for the comparison, and a list of files which differ between the two streams.Invokes your Web browser's Open command, allowing you to open or save (see Save As) the selected file.Opens the Promote dialog box to send the current version of the element to the parent of the current stream. See Promoting Elements.Opens the Version Browser, showing the versions of this file in the AccuRev repository.Compares this file to its basis versions and shows the resulting comparison in the Diffing Files in AccuRev®.Displays the Displaying Element Properties dialog box for the selected file.Using the Open Commands the selected file.
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