These URLs will show the content of AccuRev elements. The URL format is:
To display the contents of the most recent version of MainApp.html as text:
http://localhost:8080/accurev/webgui/browse/accurev/mars/java/doc/MainApp.html?view=contentIf 23 is the element ID of MainApp.html, the following displays the contents of the most recent version of MainApp.html as text:
To display the most recent version of MainApp.html in an OS-associated browser:
Alternative URL format to display the most recent version of MainApp.html in an OS-associated browser:
The parts of the URL are described below:
The view=render parameter suffices for many types of content that require external programs to display.
Web pages, which contain references to images, style sheets, and other embedded content, require a different approach. For best results when rendering web pages with embedded content referenced using relative links, remove the view=render parameter and construct the URL starting with http://<server:port>/accurev/webgui/browse/*render*/.
The following example renders the contents of the most recent version of DevPlan20.html in a web browser, including images in the web page that are stored in the plans\images subdirectory:
http://localhost:8080/accurev/webgui/browse/*render*/devplans/OurProduct-2.0/plans/ DevPlan20.html
Some absolute URLs that reference an AccuRev element or element comparison are constructed so that they always display the same content. These permanent URLs, which contain references to both the element ID (eid) and version, will always return the same element version regardless of any further work done on the element. To construct a permanent URL, both the depot and stream must be specified with numerical IDs (not names), and the URL must include both element ID (eid) and version parameters. The sole exception to this is in the case of an URL referencing a snapshot stream. Since snapshots are immutable, all URLs that specify a snapshot are permanent.