Controls at the top of the Summary pane determine which transactions are displayed. You can invoke commands on one or more transactions that you select. See Working with Tables.Once a certain set of transactions has been loaded into the summary pane, you can browse through those transactions. Click any transaction to select it; the Comment and Versions panes are updated with the transaction's details. You can use the usual navigation keys to change the selected transaction: up-arrow and down-arrow, PgUp and PgDn, Ctrl-PgUp and Ctrl-PgDn.The preceding controls affect the contents of the Summary pane --what transactions are displayed, how many, in what order, and so on. The show current change package check box, which appears on the far right side of the display controls, can affect the information that is displayed in the Versions pane.When the show current change package checkbox is selected (the default setting), the Versions pane reflects the change package contents at the current time. In the following illustration, you can see that the version created with transaction #101 does not appear to be associated with a change package:If you are inspecting a version and do not see an associated change package where you expect, it might indicate that the version was removed from the change package after it was promoted --that is, it is not currently associated with the change package. Clearing the show current change package check box will show you the associated change package association as it was at the time the version was created:(from dynamic stream history only) For the selected Promote transaction, performs the equivalent of an "undo" in a particular child workspace of the dynamic stream. AccuRev prompts you to specify which workspace. Older versions of the transaction's elements will be activated in that workspace. For details, see the revert reference page in the AccuRev CLI User's Guide.(dynamic stream only) Load the selected versions into the Change Palette, so that they can be merged and promoted to other streams.(dynamic stream only) Load the selected versions into the Change Palette, so that they can be patched to other streams.History Browser / Summary Pane Controls
Go to a Particular TransactionHistory Browser / Summary Pane Controls
Display Transactions with a Particular CommentHistory Browser / Summary Pane Controls
Manage Groups of TransactionsTo change this count, use the Transaction Count list box. (Each time you change the count, the browser returns to displaying the most recent transactions.) Selecting Everything loads all the relevant transactions into the summary pane.
• History Browser / Summary Pane Controls
Display Transactions Created in a Particular IntervalBy default, the Summary pane displays transactions no matter when they were created. Use theSet Date Interval toolbar button to restrict the display to transactions that occurred in a specified interval.
This changes the setting in the Transaction Count list box to Custom . To cancel the date interval restriction, change this list box setting back to 10 Transactions (or something else).History Browser / Summary Pane Controls
Display a Particular User's TransactionsTo restrict the display to one user's transactions, use the User Filter list box. Select For All Users to turn off by-user filtering.
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