The Outgoing Changes mode displays changes to the current workspace or stream. For the workspace File Browser, Outgoing Changes mode shows only those files and directories that have been added to, changed in, or removed from the workspace, as shown in the following illustration. Outgoing Changes mode for the stream File Browser shows any work that has been promoted to that stream from a workspace or child stream.
Tip: If you are an existing AccuRev user, the Outgoing Changes mode displays the same results as if you had performed a search for Pending elements in AccuRev 5.7 and earlier. To these results, it adds
(external) files and
(missing), and
(member) elements.
See File Browser Modes for more information on other modes.
Note that directories are marked with an asterisk regardless of where in the directory the change is located. Here, for example, the \treadstone directory has an asterisk even though the modified file is located in the
\treadstone\treadstone subdirectory, and not at the directory root (as is the case with the change in the \hobart directory). Similarly, the root node is marked with an asterisk if there are changes anywhere in the workspace or stream.
Tip: Since the Outgoing Changes mode shows only changes in the workspace or stream, the Details pane will be empty if you click a directory that is
not marked with an asterisk
Timestamp Optimization option. By default, AccuRev uses cached server information to identify which files in the workspace should have a status of
(modified). To learn more about this option and when you might want to turn it off, see
Chapter 5 Timestamp Optimization (TSO) in the AccuRev
Administrator’s Guide. See
AccuRev Element Status Reference for a discussion of
(modified) and other statuses.
See AccuRev Element Status Reference for more information on AccuRev element statuses, their definitions, and how they occur.
If you select a file that AccuRev cannot diff (a file with a status of (external) or some types of binary files, for example), AccuRev displays an informational message in the Diff pane.
Tip: You can hide the Diff pane by clicking the
Hide Diff Pane button (
Consider the following dev stream and its workspaces:
See Chapter 6 The Version Browser to learn more about the Version Browser and its features.
Tip: In the workspace File Browser, the Promote action automatically performs any other actions that might be required in order to promote the file. For example, when you promote an external file (one that is not currently under AccuRev control), AccuRev first performs the Add and Keep actions.
See Saving a File and
Sharing Your Work with Others for more detailed information on saving and sharing work in AccuRev.