Tip: You can add and remove columns and change their order. See Working with Tables for more information.When the Details pane is displaying the contents of a single folder, the Name column shows the name of each object in the folder. The highlight in the Explorer pane indicates which folder’s contents are being displayed.The Display of Element Names in Tables user preference lets you specify whether you want to display element pathnames as a single column (Element) or two columns (Name and In Folder). See Controlling the Display of Element Names for more information.(Available only in Outgoing Changes, Incoming Changes, and Conflicts modes) The full path and name of the element.(Available only in Outgoing Changes, Incoming Changes, and Conflicts modes in the workspace File Browser and in Conflicts mode in the stream File Browser) The full path of the element.See AccuRev Element Status Reference for more information.
• Workspace: If you have modified an element, but not yet promoted it to the backing stream, the version-ID indicates a version in the workspace stream. These are described as "active elements", or as "members of the workspace's default group". For inactive elements (those you have not modified or activated with Anchor or Send to Workspace), the Version column indicates a version from some higher-level stream, which your workspace stream inherits.
• Stream: If the element is currently active in the stream (is in the stream's default group), the version-ID includes the name of this stream. Otherwise, the version-ID includes the name of the higher-level stream from which this stream inherits the version.(Available only in Incoming Changes mode in the workspace File Browser and in Outgoing Changes mode in the stream File Browser) The actions AccuRev will perform on an element when updating your workspaces with changes from the parent stream. For example, if the element’s status is (no such elem) -- meaning this element does not exist in your workspace -- the value displayed in the Action column might be create.(Available only in Incoming Changes view in the workspace File Browser and in the Explorer mode in the stream File Browser) A version-ID that indicates the basis version whose changes will be incorporated in the workspace when the workspace is updated.(Available only in Incoming Changes mode in the workspace File Browser) The name AccuRev will use for an element that has been moved or renamed.Either parallel or serial, indicating the element's current development mode. See The Locks Command.(Available only in Outgoing mode) The element-ID of the element’s parent stream.(Available only in Conflicts mode) The workspace or stream that contains a version with (overlap) status.
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