• Rename: Changing the element's simple name (or "leaf name"):
• Move: Relocating the element to another directory in the depot::... to be change to the parent directory element, but not a change to the file elements within it. (This change to the parent directory has the side-effect of changing the pathnames of all elements below it.)If your colleague promotes his change first, then the file will get (overlap) status in your workspace. Before you can promote the file, you must use the Merge command to resolve the namespace conflict.
• You both have made a namespace change of the rename kind.
• You both have made a namespace change of the move kind.A namespace conflict of the rename kind occurs when two versions' simple names differ from the simple name of their closest common ancestor (and also differ from each other).A namespace conflict of the move kind occurs when two versions are located in different directories than their closest common ancestor (and also different directories from each other).Note: What are the "EID" annotations? AccuRev tracks directory elements by their immutable element-IDs (EIDs). It lists the parent directories' EIDs in this dialog to help you identify them; the directories might have different names/pathnames in different streams.
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