4. XML Output Reference : hist Command

hist Command
Displays the part or all of the transaction history of one or more elements. See hist for more information.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>        XML declaration
<AcResponse        root element of the XML output
    Command="hist"        the name of the AccuRev command
    TaskId="1037">        the ID of the task associated with the command
  <element        a list of one or more elements returned for certain transactions. See below for details.
      name="/outline.txt"        the element location and name
      id="2">        the element ID
    <transaction         a list of transactions for this element. See below for details
        id="3"        the transaction ID
        type="add"        the transaction type. See below for details
        time="1407174305"        the transaction time in Epoch time
        user="dfoster">        the name of the user who executed the transaction
        streamName="phoenix_n"  stream name in which the transaction occurred (promote only)*
        streamNumber="1"        the number of the stream (promote only)*
        fromStreamName="phoenix_n_dfoster"  the name of the source stream (promote only)*
        fromStreamNumber="2">  the number of the source stream (promote only)*
        cpk="add">    type of change package action (if applicable). values are "add" and "remove".*
      <comment>new file</comment>    comment associated with the transaction*
      <version  a list of versions for this transaction. See below for details.
          status="(member)"    element status (appears with -fs)*
          virtual="2/1"    element virtual version (stream ID/version in stream)*
          real="2/1"    element real version (stream ID/version in stream)*
          virtualNamedVersion="phoenix_n_dfoster/1"    See below for details*
          realNamedVersion="phoenix_n_dfoster/1"    See below for details*
          elem_type="text"  element type: dir, text, binary, ptext, elink, slink. See below for details
          dir="no"  whether or not the element is a directory; not displayed for dispatch transactions*
          ancestor="2/2"    ancestor stream ID and version; not displayed for purge or eacl
          ancestorNamedVersion="wf1_update_testuser/2"   ancestor stream ID and
                                                                                                                                         version; not displayed for
                                                                                                                                         purge or eacl commands*
          merged_against="2/2"    merged against stream ID and version; not displayed for
                                                                                 purge or eacl commands*
          mergedAgainstNamedVersion="f1_update_testuser/2"  merged against
                                                                                                                                                stream name and
                                                                                                                                                version; not displayed
                                                                                                                                                for purge or eacl
          new_revert="yes"    internal use only. indicates whether or not the reverse patch
                                                                        algorithm was used*
          target_eid="2"      for elinks, the ID of the element to which this element is linked*
          target_name="no"    for elinks, the ID of the element to which this element is linked*
          sz="17">    version element size, in bytes; displayed only if version attribute dir="no"*
  <streams>    a list of all the streams and workspaces whose IDs are included in the <version>
                                    information for an element
        id="2"    stream ID
        name="phoenix_n_dfoster"    stream name
        type="workspace"/>          stream type. values: normal, workspace, snapshot, gated,
                                                                                      staging, passthrough
Additional Information
This section provides additional information for some of the child elements of <AcResponse> in the XML output for the hist command.

hist command returns a list of one or more elements only for the following transactions types:
add, co, defcomp, defunct, demote_from, demote_to, dispatch, eacl, keep, move, promote, purge, undefunct
If there is no history associated with the specified element, AccuRev returns:
<Message>No history corresponding to selection.</Message>

If the transaction type is not one supported by the
hist command, AccuRev returns:
<Message>No such transaction: -3.</Message>

<stream> child element of the <transaction> element is displayed in the XML output for mkstream, chstream, and defcomp transactions.
If the transaction was mkstream or defcomp, the XML output for <transaction> includes the <stream> child element with the following attributes. For example:
stream name
      streamNumber="3"        stream number
      depotName="phoenix_n"        depot in which stream was created
      type="normal"        stream type. values: normal, workspace, snapshot, gated, staging,
      basis="phoenix_n"         name of the stream’s basis stream
      basisStreamNumber="1"/>         number of the stream’s basis stream
If the transaction was chstream, the following attributes are added to the <stream> child element. For example:
same attributes as those returned for mkstream and defcomp transactions, plus:
      prev_name="dev"        the stream’s previous name
      time="0"        for time-based streams, basis time in Epoch time
      prevTime="0"        for re-set time-based streams, previous basis time in Epoch time
      prevBasis="phoenix_n"        name of the stream’s previous basis stream
      prevBasisStreamNumber="1">        number of the stream’s previous basis stream
      prevHidden="true">       if the stream was previously hidden (values are "true" and "false")
Note: The type= attribute for the <transaction> element returns "chstream" for chws commands executed on workspaces.

If the
mkstream or chstream command was executed against a workspace, the <wspace> child element appears under <stream>. For example:
workspace storage location
        Host="con-davidf-e6410"        the name of the computer that hosts the file system
                                                                                              on which the workspace is located
        Target_trans="11"        the most recent transaction at the time of the workspace’s
                                 most recent update
        fileModTime="1407248340"        the time of the last update or stat in Epoch time
        EOL="0"        end-of-line character: 0=OS default; 1=force UNIX; 2=force Windows
        Type="1"/>   workspace type: 1=full workspace; 9=exclusive locking; 17=anchor required

A list of one or more versions in the transaction.
The elem_type attribute displays the element type. Values include dir, text, binary, ptext, elink, and slink. It is not displayed for the dispatch transactions. For example:
"text"        values include dir, text, binary, ptext, elink, slink
If the transaction was move, the XML output for <version> includes the following (for example):
destination and element name of the move
      source="\.\subdir1\subdir11\foobar.c"/>    source and element name of the move
If you use v option with -fx, the XML output for <version> includes, for example:
 element name and location in workspace
        eid="2"               element ID
        mtime="1407524402"    version modification time in Epoch time; displayed only if dir="no"
        cksum="2514403315"    version element checksum; displayed only if dir="no"
         <eacl                element access control list
           action="set"              eacl action; values are "add", "remove", and "set"
           <ace                      a list of all ACEs for this element
              principal="all"        values are "all", "<user_name>", and "<group_name>"
              privilege="all"/>      values are "all", "none", and "clear"

Patch segments are displayed in the XML output only if the transaction type is not
purge and the element has no ancestor. There can be multiple <segment> child elements. For example:
<patchSegments>        displays patch segments
             <segment        displays patch segment details
                 head_stream="5"       segment head stream ID
                 head_stream_name="whmp2_testuser"      segment head stream name
                 head_version="2"         segment head stream version
                 basis_stream="5"         segment basis stream ID
                 basis_stream_name="whmp2_testuser"     segment basis stream name
                 basis_version="1"         segment basis stream version
                 is_tip_version="yes"/>         segment is a tip version ("yes" or "no"

Revert segments are displayed in the XML output only if the transaction type is not purge and the element has no ancestor. There can be multiple <segment> child elements. For example:
<revertSegments>         revert segments
             <segment        displays revert segment details
                 head_stream="5"       segment head stream ID
                 head_stream_name="whmp2_testuser"      segment head stream name
                 head_version="2"         segment head stream version
                 basis_stream="5"         segment basis stream ID
                 basis_stream_name="whmp2_testuser"     segment basis stream name
                 basis_version="1"         segment basis stream version
                 is_tip_version="yes"/>         segment is a tip version ("yes" or "no")

<comp_rule> child element appears for the <transaction> element if one of the following include/exclude rules was applied to the element: clear, excl, incl, incldo. Displays attributes for cross-linked elements if applicable.
type of rule: clear, excl, incl, incldo
          xlinkStreamNum="4"         the ID of the stream to which the element is cross-linked
          xlinkStreamName="hist2"   the name of the stream to which the element is cross-linked
          prevXlinkStreamNum="2"         if include rule was reset, the ID of the previously
                                                                                                  cross-linked stream
          prevXlinkStreamName="hist2a"/>  if include rule was reset, the ID of the previously
                                                                                                     cross-linked stream

In addition, when an include/exclude rule is in force, the value of the
type= attribute for the <transaction> element displays "defcomp" (short for "define component"), as shown here:
"defcomp" displayed when clear, excl, incl, or incldo rules are in force
        time="1407174305"  time of the transaction in Epoch time

<issues> child element appears for <transaction> if you are using change packages (CPK) to promote elements. The <issues> child element can have multiple <issue> child elements.
<issues>        displays change package issues
  <issue>        displays issue details
    <issueNum    the AccuWork issue number; attributes used for third-party ITS, if any,
      thirdPartyName="MyJiraKey"    the name of the third-party ITS key field, if any,
      thirdPartyValue="J1003">4</issueNum>    the attribute is the third-party key value
      <elements>     elements in the change package; there can be multiple <element> child elements
        <element         element details
            eid="5"        element ID
            member="1"        element member number
            head_version="5/4"        element head version
            basis_version="5/3"        element basis version
            name="Access denied"/>        change package name; displays "Access denied"                                                                                                      if the user executing hist command lacks
                                                                                                     sufficient rights

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