B. Support and Troubleshooting

B. Support and Troubleshooting
Customer Care Notes
To assist in a speedy resolution of problems with AccuRev usage or performance, Customer Care personnel may ask you to provide data that you may not be accustomed to gathering on a day-to-day basis. The most frequently requested items are listed below, with instructions on how to gather the data. When you submit your initial Support Incident, please include the data items that you know (or suspect) are related to your specific issue.
Collecting metadata
UNIX or Linux
Run the accurev backup command. This command will back up your metadata into the AccuRev  site_slice/backup directory.
Use accurev show slices to find the location of the relevant depot directory (slice).
tar your site_slice directory (including the backed-up metadata from step 1). Example:
cd /opt/accurev/storage/site_slice
tar -cvf ~/site_slice.tar .

Remember to include the dot '.' at the end of the tar command.
tar the relevant depot directory (slice), but exclude the data subtree. (The data subtree contains the content of the files you have placed into AccuRev source control;  please do not send it to us!) Example:
cd /opt/accurev/storage/depots/ACME
tar -cvf ~/ACME.tar --exclude data .
Compress the  .tar files using gzip. Example:
gzip ~/site_slice.tar ~/ACME.tar
Send the gzipped files (.tar.gz suffix) to Customer Care. We recommend using FTP rather than email, since the files may be too large for your outgoing email server. Please use your Support Incident to obtain a username and password for an FTP server.
Run the accurev backup command. This command will back up your metadata into the AccuRev site_slice/backup directory.
Use accurev show slices to find the location of the relevant depot directory (slice).
Create a ZIP archive of the entire site_slice directory (including the backed-up metadata from step 1). Typically, it is C:\Program Files\AccuRev\storage\site_slice.
Create a ZIP archive of the relevant depot directory (slice). Typically, it's a subdirectory of C:\Program Files\AccuRev\storage\depots. Remove the data subtree from the ZIP archive. (The data subtree contains the content of the files you have placed into AccuRev source control;  please do not send it to us!)
Database inconsistencies
Gather the following information to begin troubleshooting the issue:
Get output of accurev info on the AccuRev Server machine.
Copy (ZIP or tar file) all AccuRev Server logs, located in subdirectory .../storage/site_slice/logs. Search for any messages that might be the cause of your issue: disk failure, power outage, etc.
Get output of maintain dbcheck.
Running the AccuRev GUI in debug mode
You might occasionally experience problems in the AccuRev GUI -- the GUI might appear to hang, or it might display errors that running the equivalent command in the AccuRev CLI does not, for example. Running the AccuRev GUI in Java debug mode can help you diagnose and troubleshoot problems you encounter, and being able to monitor the commands the GUI calls can help with scripting efforts.
The following sections describe how to run the AccuRev GUI on different platforms for different AccuRev versions. Executing these commands starts the AccuRev GUI; debug output is written to the command prompt. Note that paths shown are examples only. You might have to adjust them for your installation.
To run the AccuRev GUI in debug mode on Windows:
cd C:\Program Files\AccuRev\bin
..\jre\bin\java -cp
AccuRevCommon.jar;jgrapht-0.8.3.jar;org-netbeans-swing-outline.jar" fw.MainApp
Note: Any jar files with version numbers may change between releases, so change the command line to match the jar file names that you have installed.
To run the AccuRev GUI in debug mode on UNIX/Linux:
cd /opt/accurev/bin
../jre/bin/java -cp
AccuRevCommon.jar;jgrapht-0.8.3.jar;org-netbeans-swing-outline.jar" fw.MainApp
Note: Note that any jar files with version numbers may change between releases, so change the command line to match the jar file names that you have installed.
User authentication problems
You can diagnose authentication problems with the accurev secinfo command:
accurev secinfo
The output is one of three keywords: anyuser, authuser, or notauth.
The user is allowed to perform operations on streams except where permissions require an authenticated user.
The user is considered authenticated.
The user is not authenticated.
For more information on the accurev secinfo command, see the AccuRev CLI User's Guide.
Getting AccuRev Server and client version information
How can you get the version information about the AccuRev Server without having to log into the server machine? You can perform either of the following operations on any AccuRev client machine:
> accurev info -v
client_ver:    58
server_ver:    58
Create a file (say, ver.xml), containing this very short XML document:
accurev xml -l ver.xml
The command output in this format:
This example indicates that the AccuRev Server is Version 4.7.2.
Integration issues
If you are reporting a problem with an AccuRev integration with a third-party IDE, include the following in your Support Incident:
AccuRev license issues
Include copies of the following in your Support Incident:
The acserver.log file (in .../storage/site_slice/logs).
The license file: aclicense.txt, accurev.lic, or keys.txt (in .../storage/site_slice). [NOTE: accurev.lic is not supported as of AccuRev 7.0, and keys.txt is not supported as of AccuRev 5.4.]
Output from accurev info, executed on the AccuRev Server machine.
Output from accurev show users.
Potential AccuRev defects
Include the following in your Support Incident:
accurev info -v
accurev show wspaces
accurev show streams
accurev show slices
accurev show depots
accurev diag
Replication problems
Include the following in your Support Incident:
A copy of the acserver.cnf file from both the master server and  the replica server.
A copy of the acserver.log file from both the master server and  the replica server.
accurev diag
Performance problems
Include the answers to this questionnaire in your Support Incident:
Include copies of the following in your Support Incident:
Complete AccuRev server logs (in .../storage/site_slice/logs)
Two samples of output from accurev diag, run on the AccuRev Server machine in the depot storage directory.
Two samples of output from accurev diag, run on the client machine in the user's workspace directory.
Output from accurev show triggers.
The filenames might include a suffix, such as .bat on Windows.
Server task list
How do you create a listing of the AccuRev Servers currently active tasks (execution threads)?
Create a file (say, tasks.xml), containing this very short XML document:
accurev xml -l tasks.xml > tasklist.out
The contents of tasklist.out will resemble this example:
    <starttime>2006/07/25 14:42:49</starttime>
    <starttime>2006/07/25 14:42:51</starttime>
If you are not seeing an element...
If you cannot see an element that you believe that exists, there is a good chance that your AccuRev administrator has set element-level security using the eacl command, and you are being denied access to the element (or its container directory). For more information about EACLs and their behavior, see Element ACLs (EACLs).
If you perform an Update, and the version displayed in the File Browser is correct but the content of the file does not appear to have been updated, this is typically due to a timestamp problem. It usually occurs when a file is changed outside of the workspace and then copied back in. The timestamp of the file that was dropped back into the workspace has a date and time stamp older than the date and time stamp of the file in the workspace. To update the file, temporarily uncheck Timestamp Optimization and perform the Update again. See “Chapter 5 Timestamp Optimization (TSO)” in the AccuRev Administrator’s Guide for more information.

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