In a File Browser, each file's context menu includes a Diff Against... item. There are several choices, each of which compares your version (i.e. the file in your workspace) with a version stored in the depot:
• Most Recent Version: Compares your file with the version currently in your workspace stream. Use this choice if you've modified the file since the last time you performed a Keep on it (or if you've never performed a Keep on it since the last update).
• Backed Version: Compares your file with the version currently in the backing stream. For example, you might use this choice to see all the changes you've made to this file since you updated your workspace and starting working on the file. (And assuming no one else has promoted a new version to the backing stream in the meantime.) This might include the changes stored in several intermediate versions that you've created with keep.
• Basis Version: Compares your file with the version that you started working with, before making your "recent" changes. For a discussion of the meaning of "recent", see Patch and Patch From.
• Overlapping Changes: Provides two options to help you identify and resolve conflicts between two versions of an element that result in an (overlap) status:
• Mine - Compares the workspace or stream version against the common ancestor in the backing stream. This option identifies the changes in the workspace or stream that did not come from the backing stream; it is the equivalent of diffing against the last version that you merged with.
• Theirs - Displays only the changes added to the backing stream since the last time you merged with the backing stream. This option is useful for identifying the changes to the backing stream that caused the overlap condition.The Overlapping Changes options are available only for elements with an (overlap) status.
• File in Other Stream: Compares the selected file with a file in another stream or workspace. By default, AccuRev selects the file with the same name in the target stream or workspace you select, but you can choose any file you wish.
• File on Disk: Compares your file with an arbitrary file on your machine. A standard operating system "open file" dialog box open, in which you specify the file.In a Stream Browser display, view the elements in a stream's default group by clicking thecontrol below the stream. An element's context menu includes the Diff Against... items described above.
In a Version Browser or Stream Version Browser display for a text-file element, you can compare any two versions: right-click any version, select Diff Against Other Version from the context menu, then left-click any other version.In a History Browser display for a text-file element, you can compare the versions created in any two transactions. Right-click a transaction in the Summary (upper) pane, select Diff Against Other Version from the context menu, then left-click another transaction in the Summary pane. Similarly, the Diff Against File in the Workspace command enables you to compare the version created in a particular transaction with the file currently in your workspace. (That file might contain changes that you haven't yet preserved with Keep.)Note: If a text file has multiple segments because it has been promoted against different AccuWork issues and you want to compare only the versions of a file that were promoted to the same issue, you can accomplish this by using the Diff Across All Segments option. This option is available on the Changes tab of an open AccuWork issue. For more information about this option, see Comparing Versions Across Segments.
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