AccuRev® Command Line InterfaceQuick Reference

AccuRev® Command Line Interface
Quick Reference
The AccuRev Command Line Interface (CLI) allows you to quickly perform AccuRev commands while at the Windows DOS prompt or a UNIX/Linux command shell. You can also use the CLI within a shell script, batch file, or scripting language.
All AccuRev commands have the following format:
> accurev <command name> <options and arguments>
For example, the following command adds a new file to the AccuRev server with a comment.
> accurev add -c “adding new file” file1.txt
To view information, including format and options, for any AccuRev command, type:
> accurev Help <command name>
For example: > accurev Help add
To view alternate levels of Help, add options:
-s or -u -- Short: Displays command name, summary description, and syntax.
-v -- Verbose: Displays all information.
For example: > accurev Help add -v
help - Displays help for all AccuRev CLI commands.
login - Logs into an AccuRev server.
logout - Logs out from an AccuRev server.
add - Places the initial version of a file on the AccuRev server.
keep - Places subsequent versions of a file on the AccuRev server where it remains private.
update - Retrieves all newer versions of a file from the stream that is above it.
promote - Moves a file into an AccuRev parent stream where it is accessible to others.
demote - Pulls back a file from a parent stream to a child steam making that version inaccessible in the parent stream.
diff - Compares two versions of a file.
merge - Allows a developer to resolve differences between a workspace version and a stream version of a file.
anchor - Makes a file “active” so that it cannot be overwritten by another version of the file during an update.
co - Same as “anchor” except that it allows checking out older versions and overwriting the file in your workspace with those versions.
defunct - Removes an element from a particular workspace. The element remains visible in other streams and workspaces.
undefunct - Restores a previously removed element to a stream.
purge - Reverts a file in your workspace to the backed version in the stream.
revert - Undo a promote or purge transaction.
pop - Restores a file that is missing from the workspace by copying it from the parent steam. (Use to populate a workspace or stream with missing files.)
update - Retrieves all newer versions of a file from the stream that is above it. (Use to update stale files.)
touch - Updates the timestamp of a file.
mkws - Creates a new workspace.
chws - Changes the name, location, or definition of a workspace.
rmws - Deactivates a workspace.
move - Moves or renames elements.
lock - Locks a stream against promotions.
unlock - Unlocks a stream to enable promotions.
patch - lncorporates a set of changes from another workspace into the version within a workspace.
reactivate - Restores a reference tree, stream, user, or workspace to active service.
chstream - Changes the name, basis time, or backing stream of a stream.
mkstream - Creates a new stream.
mksnap - Creates a new snapshot.
remove - Deactivates a workspace, reference tree, stream, user, or group.
mkdepot - Creates a new depot.
mkuser - Registers a new user name.
addmember - Adds one or more members to a group.
chgroup - Renames a group.
chpasswd - Changes the password of a user.
chuser - Renames or relicenses a user.
lsmember - Checks if a named user is a group member.
mkgroup - Creates a new group of users.
rmmember - Removes a user from a group.
secinfo - Shows a user’s authorization level.
setpref - Sets one or more user preferences.
backup - Backs up the AccuRev metadata.
chslice - Changes the location of a depot as stored in the schema of the AccuRev database.
eacl - Configures element access control list security.
files - Lists the files in a workspace or a directory.
hist - Shows the transaction history of elements or an entire depot.
info - Shows basic information about the current session.
show users - Lists all users.
show wspaces - Lists all workspaces.
stat - Displays the status of files in a workspace or elements in a stream. (Usually used to show the current version of an element.)
clear - Removes an Include/Exclude rule.
excl - Excludes elements from a workspace or stream.
incl - Includes elements in a workspace or stream.
incldo - Includes just a directory, not its contents, in a workspace or stream.
lsrules - Shows the include/exclude rules for a workspace or stream.
mkrules - Sets or clears multiple include/exclude rules for a workspace or stream.
anc - Finds the ancestor of an element.
chws - Changes the name, location, or definition of a workspace.
diff- Compares two or more files.
hist - Shows the transaction history of elements or an entire depot.
merge - Allows a developer to resolve differences between a workspace version and a stream version of a file.
pop v. update - Pop restores missing files; Update overwrites stale files.
patch - lncorporates a set of changes from another workspace into the version within a workspace.
stat - Shows the element status.
undefunct - Restores a previously removed element to a stream.
xml - Supplements the CLI commands by specifying an XML file that contains requests for the AccuRev server.
Use the -H option with any command to identify the AccuRev repository specific to the command. This option allows you to bypass the default repository.
For example: > accurev show -H abc:6687 users
AccuRev CLI User’s Guide:

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