5. Using URLs to Access AccuRev® Data : URLs for AccuRev® Element Views

URLs for AccuRev® Element Views
These URLs will display AccuRev elements in the File Browser, History Browser, Version Browser, Annotate Tool, or Diff Tool. The URL format is:
(opens the stream in the File Browser, showing the contents of the top-level directory)
(opens the stream in the File Browser, showing the contents of the directory specified)
(shows the transaction history for the named element, limiting the view to 20 items)
(shows the transaction history for the named element in the Version Browser, limiting the view to 20 items)
URL Format Definition
The parts of the URL are described below:
The URL used to access AccuRev objects from the Web UI:  
The name or numerical ID of a depot.
The name or numerical ID of a stream.  
The path to an AccuRev element within a stream. This parameter is not used when showing the top level of a stream in the File Browser.
The question mark (?) character is used to separate the parameters from the rest of the URL.
File Browser parameters: eid=<element-ID>&streamName=<stream name>&filter=<filter name>&view=fb
History Browser parameters: eid=<element-ID>&v=<virtual version>&fromfilter=<filter name>&view=hist
Version Browser parameters: eid=<element-ID>&v=<virtual version>&filter=<filter name>&view=vb
Version Browser parameters (using a Custom filter):  
eid=<element-ID>&v=<virtual version>&from=YYYYMMDD&to=YYYYMMDD&view=vb
Annotate Tool parameters: v=<version using stream name>&view=annotate
Diff Tool parameters: eid=<element-ID>&v1=<virtual version>&v2=<virtual version>&view=diff
Parameters identify what element versions will be acted on and how. They are shown as name=value pairs. Multiple parameters are separated by the ampersand (&) character.
eid: The element ID.
streamName: The name of the stream being displayed.
v: The element’s virtual version, for example, 148\2. If it is not present, the URL retrieves most recent version of the element in the given stream. This parameter can be specified using a stream name instead of a stream number when view is set to annotate.
v1: First (virtual) version to be compared.
v2: Second (virtual) version to be compared.
filter: The name of the filter or search being applied. If this parameter is omitted, the view is not filtered. The filter parameter and the from and to parameters cannot be used together.
from, to: The time range to filter the data by. The filter parameter and the from and to parameters cannot be used together.
view: The name of the view being accessed.
