AccuWork™ Views in the Web UIYou use AccuWork queries to define a set of search criteria that is used to select and return issues from the depot. The Web UI includes the following AccuWork views to help you create and manage AccuWork queries and manage the issues those queries return:
• Use the New Query Tab to create or modify AccuWork queries. Results returned by the query are displayed directly in the New Query tab, allowing you to easily verify query results and quickly modify the query as needed. You can display the New Query tab from the AccuRev main toolbar.
• Use the Query Browser to display, manage, and run AccuWork queries. You can also use it to view and print query results.
• Use the Query Editor to create or modify AccuWork queries. Unlike the New Query Tab, the Query Editor is used only to construct and edit queries; query results are displayed in the Query Browser. You access the Query Editor from the Query Browser.
• Use the Issue Edit Form to edit AccuWork issues.In addition to these views, the Searching for Issues feature allows you to find specific issues based on issue number or issue content.Note: AccuWork features that are accessed from these and other views are covered in Common AccuWork Commands.
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