2.5 Manage User Sessions

These APIs allow fetching and terminating all active sessions of a given user.

Perform the following steps:

  1. Invoke the API to get all Identity Server clusters.

    Sample URL:

  2. Parse the response to get the URL for each Identity Server cluster.

    …<idpCluster uri="">…

  3. Invoke the URL of a cluster to get the sessions for a user.

    URL Format: <IDP cluster URL>/sessions?userid=<user name>

  4. Repeat for other clusters so that the sessions of the same user across all clusters are handled.

Sample Request
Use HTTP GET to retrieve all active sessions for the user 'admin'. 
Use HTTP DELETE method to terminate all sessions for the user 'admin'.
Sample Response
   "userDN" : "cn=admin, o=novell",

   "sessionDetails": { ["identityServer":"", "sessionCount":"1"],

["identityServer":"", "sessionCount":"2"]
