Your company has provided you with the ability to access corporate applications through your mobile device by providing a link to a login page to access these resources. Use the following information to install, configure, or remove the MobileAccess app, and to register or deregister your mobile device:
To access corporate applications through your mobile device, you must first install the MobileAccess app or NetIQ MobileAccess 2 app on your device.
To install the MobileAccess app on a mobile device:
Access the App Store or the Google Play Store on your device.
Locate the NetIQ MobileAccess app or NetIQ MobileAccess 2 app.
Tap Install.
To use the app, you must register your device with your company. For more information, see Registering Your iOS Devices with Your Company or Registering Your Android Devices with Your Company.
You must register your device with your company to use the app. The first time you launch the app you might be prompted to set a PIN number. A PIN number allows you to access the app without having to enter your credentials each time you open the app.
You can register your device by using any one of the following ways depending on how your company implemented the solution:
To use this method, your company sends you an email with a link that automatically populates your company’s information.
To register your iOS device:
(Applicable only for MobileAccess app)
Open the email on your iOS device.
Tap the link in the email.
The link launches the application with the Provider value.
Tap Register.
Log in with your corporate credentials.
(Optional) Create a PIN for your account after you authenticate.
To use this method, your company sends you an email with a URL or QR code or both. You must manually enter the URL or scan the QR code to register your device.
To register your iOS device using the URL (MobileAccess app):
(Conditional) If this is the first time you open the app, you need to read the MobileAccess License Agreement, then tap Accept to continue.
Tap Accounts, then tap Plus (+) to add a new account.
In Provider URL, type the URL sent to you in the email from your company.
Tap Register.
(Optional) Tap Settings. Create a PIN for your account the first time you launch the app. After creating a PIN, you can also configure to use your fingerprint instead of the PIN.
NOTE:If your administrator has mandated to create a PIN, you cannot skip this step.
Log in with your corporate credentials, your finger print, or your PIN number.
To register your iOS device using the URL (MobileAccess 2 app):
(Conditional) If this is the first time you open the app, you need to read the MobileAccess License Agreement, then tap Accept to continue.
On the Sign In page, tap the + button to add a new account.
In Account Provider, type the URL sent to you in the email from your company.
Tap Register this Device > Sign In.
(Optional) Tap Settings. Create a PIN for your account the first time you launch the app. After creating a PIN, you can also configure to use your fingerprint instead of the PIN.
NOTE:If your administrator has mandated to create a PIN, you cannot skip this step.
Log in with your corporate credentials, your finger print, or your PIN number.
To register your iOS device using the QR code (MobileAccess 2 app):
Open the email on a device other than the iOS device that you are going to register.
Launch the app on the iOS device.
On the Sign In page, tap the + button to add a new account.
Tap Use QR Code to Register and scan the QR code sent to you in the email from your company.
Tap Sign In.
(Optional) Tap Settings. Create a PIN for your account the first time you launch the app. After creating a PIN, you can also configure to use your fingerprint instead of the PIN.
NOTE:If your administrator has mandated to create a PIN, you cannot skip this step.
Log in with your corporate credentials, your finger print, or your PIN number.
MobileAccess App
After logging in to the app, tap the menu in the upper left corner, then tap Accounts.
Look under Devices. If the registration process worked, you will see your device along with the time of registration.
MobileAccess 2 App
After logging in to the app, tap the menu in the upper left corner.
Tap Provider and Devices. If the registration is successful, you will see your account provider and device along with the time of registration.
NOTE:The same device name might be displayed more than once. This can happen if you have logged out of the device and then logged in again.
You must register your device with your company to use the app. The first time you launch the app you might be prompted to set a PIN number. A PIN number allows you to access the app without entering your credentials each time you open the app.
Your company sends you an email with a URL or QR code or both. You must manually specify the URL or scan the QR code to register your device.
To register your Android device (MobileAccess app):
(Conditional) If this is the first time you open the app, you need to read the MobileAccess License Agreement, then tap Accept to continue.
Type the hostname of your company with the port number.
Tap Register.
If it is the first time using the app, log in with your corporate credentials.
(Optional) If prompted, create a PIN for your account.
To register your Android device using the URL (MobileAccess 2 app):
(Conditional) If this is the first time you open the app, you need to read the MobileAccess License Agreement, then tap Accept to continue.
On the Sign In page, tap the + button to add a new account.
In Account Provider, type the URL sent to you in the email from your company.
Tap Register this Device > Sign In.
If it is the first time using the app, log in with your corporate credentials.
(Optional) If prompted, create a PIN for your account.
NOTE:If your administrator has mandated to create a PIN, you cannot skip this step.
Log in with your corporate credentials or your PIN number.
To register your Android device using the QR code (MobileAccess 2 app):
Open the email on a device other than the Android device that you are going to register.
Launch the app on the Android device.
On the Sign In page, tap the + button to add a new account.
Tap Use QR Code to Register and scan the QR code sent to you in the email from your company.
Tap Sign In.
(Optional) If prompted, create a PIN for your account.
NOTE:If your administrator has mandated to create a PIN, you cannot skip this step.
Log in with your corporate credentials or your PIN number.
MobileAccess App
After logging in to the app, tap the Settings icon.
Tap Devices > Manage Devices.
Look under Devices. If the registration process worked, you will see your device along with the time of registration.
MobileAccess 2 App
After logging in to the app, tap the menu in the upper left corner.
Tap Provider and Devices. If the registration is successful, you will see your account provider and device along with the time of registration.
NOTE:The same device name might be displayed more than once. This can happen if you have logged out of the device and then logged in again.
You can deregister your device at any time.
Log in to the app.
(MobileAccess app) Tap the menu in the upper left corner, then tap Accounts.
(MobileAccess 2 app) Tap the menu in the upper left corner.
(MobileAccess app) Under Devices, swipe left on the device name to view the Delete option.
(MobileAccess 2 app) Under Provider and Devices, swipe left on the device name to view the Delete option.
Tap Delete.
Log in to the app.
(MobileAccess app) Tap the Settings icon.
(MobileAccess 2 app) Tap the menu in the upper left corner.
(MobileAccess app) Under Devices > Managed Devices, tap the trash can to deregister your device.
(MobileAccess 2 app) Under Provider and Devices, swipe left on the device name to view the Remove option.
(MobileAccess 2 app) Tap Remove.
Log in to your company’s login page from a workstation.
Specify your login credentials when prompted.
In the upper right, next to your name, click the arrow.
Click View My devices.
Click the Delete icon next to the device you want to deregister, then click OK on the confirmation message.
To uninstall the app on iOS, see Switch apps on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch.
To uninstall the app on Android, see Delete or disable apps on Android.
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