Ensure that the following requirements are fulfilled:
Connectors for SSO Assistant work with applications that require forms-based authentication for login. Typically, they have the following login requirements:
The application’s login page uses HTML forms as the main point of interaction with a user.
The application requires the user’s password to be sent for logging in to an application.
The application does not support SAML 2.0 or WS-Federation protocols for federated trust relationships instead of sending passwords.
The login page scheme must be HTTPS not HTTP.
The connectors for SSO Assistant support the following browser versions:
Firefox 34 or later
The MobileAccess app supports the secure retrieval and replay of previously stored credentials for applications that users access through the User Portal page on supported mobile devices.
For user access to the applications on supported mobile devices, the MobileAccess app supports the following versions:
iOS 9.x
Android Kit Kat 4.4 or Lollipop 5.x
A user must install the SSO Assistant extension in a supported browser one time on each desktop or laptop they use to access the SSO Assistant applications.
For Chrome, the extension is available for free from the Google Play Store. If it is not installed when the user accesses the application through Access Manager Appliance, Access Manager Appliance prompts the user to go to the Google Play Store and install it. The installation adds the extension to the Chrome Extensions list with the following permissions:
Access your data on all websites
Access your tabs and browsing activity
For Firefox, the extension is available through Add-ons. The Firefox extension behaves the same way the Chrome extension behaves.
SSO Assistant is not supported in a mixed Access Manager Appliance environment. All nodes in an Access Manager Appliance cluster must be of the same version.