This event is generated when you select the Access Token From AA Server option under Audit Logging on the Logging page of an Identity Server configuration.
Description: NIDS: OAuth2 AA Access Token Exchange
Originator (B):Schema Title: Originator
Data Description: JCC Device ID (AMDEVICEID#device_id:)
Target (U): Schema Title: User Identifier
Data Description: OAuth2 AA Access Token Exchange
SubTarget (Y): Schema Title: Server Name
Data Description: Name of the Advanced Authentication (AA) Server
Text1 (S): Schema Title: Chain Name and Repository Name
Data Description: Contains a JSON object comprising information such as chain that will be used for the authentication, if configured, and AA repository where users are stored, respectively.
Text2 (T): Schema Title: Exchange At
Data Description: Timestamp at which access token exchange happened.
Text3 (F): Schema Title: Message
Data Description: Message.
Data (D): Schema Title: Client IP Address
Description: IP Address of the host from which the access token exchange request was sent.