27.2.3 Managing Access Gateway Alert Profiles

You can configure to send notifications of generated system alerts to Administration Console, syslog server, log file, or a list of email recipients.

  1. Click Devices > Access Gateways > Edit > Alerts.

  2. Select one of the following actions:

    New: To add a new profile, click New. Specify a name for the profile and click OK. For configuration information, see Section 27.2.4, Configuring an Alert Profile.

    Enable: To enable a profile, select the check box next to the profile, then click Enable.

    Disable: To disable a profile, select the check box next to the profile, then click Disable.

    Delete: To delete a profile, select the check box next to the profile, then click Delete.

  3. Click OK > OK.

  4. On the Access Gateways page, click Update.