Access Gateway uses the Apache method for localizing error messages. You can modify these messages or customize the page they are displayed on.
To change a message:
Open the httpd-multilang-errordoc.conf file.
The first few lines of this file contains Apache recommendations for modifying the error messages. You can select to use those methods or continue with the following steps.
For information about how to open and modify a file, see Modifying Configurations.
Locate the ErrorDocument section and determine the error code message you want to modify. Make note of the *.var filename.
Open the /opt/novell/apache2/share/apache2/error folder on the Advanced File Configurator page and locate the *.var file that you want to modify.
For information about how to open a folder, see Modifying Configurations.
The message is listed alphabetically by language code.
To change the header of the error page:
Open the top.html page.
For information about how to open and modify a file, see Modifying Configurations.
To change the title of the page, locate the following line:
<title>Access Manager<\title>
Replace the Access Manager string with the content you require.
To replace the image in the header, locate the following line:
<img src="/NAGErrors/images/header_550.png" alt="" height="50px" width="550px" border="0">
Replace header_550.png with the filename of the image you want to display.
Adjust the height and width values to match your image.
Save the file.
Copy your image to the /opt/novell/apache2/share/apache2/error/images directory.
To change the footer of the error page:
Open the bottom.html page.
For information about how to open and modify a file, see Modifying Configurations.
To change the image, find the following line:
<td style="background-color: #E6D88C; padding-left: 10px"><img style="padding-right: 200px" src="/NAGErrors/images/LAP_interoperable_logo_100.gif" align="absmiddle" border="0">
Change LAP_interoperable_logo_100.gif to the filename of the image you want to display.
Save the file.
Copy your image to the /opt/novell/apache2/share/apache2/error/images directory.
The err_legacy.jsp file will also log the ESP error messages. For more information about customizing the err_legacy.jsp page, see Customizing Identity Server Messages. The procedure for customizing is the same except the paths for Access Gateway. See nidp.jar and err_legacy.jsp for the respective Access Gateway paths.