Configuring Web Servers

The web server configuration determines how Access Gateway handles connections and packets between itself and the web servers. For more information about web Server configuration, see Section 2.7.4, Configuring Web Servers of a Proxy Service

  1. Click Access Gateways > Edit > [Name of Reverse Proxy] > [Name of Proxy Service] > Web Servers.

  2. If your browsers are capable of sending HTTP 1.1 requests, configure the following field to match your web servers:

    Enable Force HTTP 1.0 to Origin: Indicates whether HTTP 1.1 requests from browsers are translated to HTTP 1.0 requests before sending them to the web server. If your browsers are sending HTTP 1.1 requests and your web server can only handle HTTP 1.0 requests, you must enable this option.

    When the option is enabled, Access Gateway translates an HTTP 1.1 request to an HTTP 1.0 request.

  3. To enable SSL connections between the proxy service and its web servers, select Connect Using SSL. For configuration information for this option, Web Server Trusted Root, and SSL Mutual Certificate, see Configuring SSL between the Proxy Service and the Web Servers.

  4. In Connect Port, specify the port that Access Gateway must use to communicate with the web servers. The following table lists some default port values for common types of web servers.

    Server Type

    Non-Secure Port

    Secure Port

    Web server with HTML content









  5. To control how idle and unresponsive web server connections are handled and to optimize these processes for your network, select TCP Connect Options. For more information, see Configuring TCP Connect Options for Web Servers.

  6. To add a web server, click New in the Web Server List and specify the IP address or the fully qualified DNS name of the web server.

    • New: To create a new web server, click New. Specify the web Server IP Address or DNS.

      After creating the web server in the list, you can configure it as primary server and prioritize the list of web servers based on your requirement.

    • Delete: To delete a web server, select the web server from the list, then click Delete.

      If you delete the selected web server, then all web servers which are corresponding to the device in the cluster get deleted.

  7. To save your changes to browser cache, click OK.

  8. To apply your changes, click the Access Gateways link, then click Update > OK.