You can upgrade to the 5.0 version of Analytics Server only from the early access beta release and the Analytics Server 4.5 Service Pack 3 Hotfix 1 releases.
Hence, you cannot migrate the existing events realtime or offline indices from any earlier version other than the early access beta release and Analytics Server 4.5 Service Pack 3 Hotfix 1 release to the 5.0 version. However, you can use the new Analytics Server along with the earlier Sentinel-based Analytics Server for events to be captured in both until all the data become available in the new dashboard. For this, you need to configure two target servers, one for the old and one for the new Analytics Server. For more information, see Setting Up Logging Server and Console Events
in the NetIQ Access Manager CE 24.2 (v5.1) Administration Guide.
You cannot launch the old Analytics Server and reports from Administration Console. Instead, you can access the old data using the following direct access links:
Dashboard: https://<Analytics IP>:8445/amdashboard/login
Reports: https:// <Analytics IP>:8443/sentinel
IMPORTANT:Before installing the new Analytics Server, ensure to delete Analytics Server nodes of the earlier version from Administration Console.
NOTE:For upgrading Analytics Server in the cluster environment, see Section 14.1, Upgrade Analytics Server Cluster.
Use the following procedure to upgrade Analytics Server.
Ensure to delete Analytics Server nodes of the earlier version from Administration Console.
Open a terminal window.
Log in as the root user.
Download the upgrade file from Micro Focus Downloads and extract the tar.gz file by using the tar -xzvf <filename> command.
NOTE:For information about the name of the upgrade file, see the specific Release Notes on the Access Manager Documentation website.
Change to the directory where you unpacked the file, then run the following command in a terminal window:
The system displays the following confirmation message:
This will upgrade Analytics Server. Would you like to continue (y/n) ? [y]:
Type Y and press Enter.
Type Y to continue with the upgrade, then press Enter.
If you do not want to include the security configurations, then type n. This stops the upgrade.
Enter the Access Manager Administration Console user ID. For example, admin
Enter the Access Manager Administration Console password.
Re-enter the password for verification.
The system displays the following message when the upgrade is complete:
Upgrade completed successfully.