Editing Web Service Descriptions

The Description pages on each profile are identical. You can define how a service provider gains access to portions of the user’s identity information that can be distributed across multiple providers. The service provider uses the Discovery Service to ascertain the location of a specific identity service for a user. The Discovery Service enables various entities to dynamically and securely discover a user’s identity service, and it responds, on a permission basis, with a service description of the desired identity service.

  1. On the Home page, click Applications > Select a Cluster> [application name] > Liberty > Web Service Provider.

  2. Click the profile or service.

  3. Click Descriptions.

  4. Click the description name, or click New.

  5. Specify the following details:

    Name: The Web Service Description name.

    Security Mechanism: (Required) Liberty uses channel security (TLS 1.0) and message security in conjunction with the security mechanism. Channel security addresses how communication between identity providers, service providers, and user agents is protected. For authentication, service providers are required to authenticate identity providers by using identity provider server-side certificates. Identity providers have the option to require authentication of service providers by using service provider client-side certificates.

    Message security addresses security mechanisms applied to the discrete Liberty protocol messages passed between identity providers, service providers, and user agents.

    Select the mechanism for message security. Message authentication mechanisms indicate which profile is used to ensure the authenticity of a message.

    • X.509: Used for message exchanges that generally rely upon message authentication as the principal factor in making decisions.

    • SAML: Used for message exchanges that generally rely upon message authentication as well as the conveyance and attestation of information.

    • Bearer: Based on the presence of the security header of a message. In this case, the bearer token is verified for authenticity rather than proving the authenticity of the message.

  6. Under Select Service Access Method, select Brief Service Access Method or WSDL Service Access Method.

    Brief Service Access Method: Provides the information necessary to invoke basic SOAP-over-HTTP-based service instances without using WSDL.

    • EndPoint URL: This is the SOAP endpoint location at the service provider to which Liberty SOAP messages are sent. An example of this for the Employee Profile is [BASEURL]/services/IDSISEmployeeProfile. If the service instance exposes an endpoint that is different from the logically generated concrete WSDL, you must use the WSDL URI instead.

      A WSF service description endpoint cannot contain double-byte characters.

    • SOAP Action: The SOAP action HTTP header required on HTTP-bound SOAP messages. This header can be used to indicate the intent of a SOAP message to the recipient.

    WSDL Service Access Method: Specify the method used to access the WSDL service. WSDL (Web Service Description Language) describes the interface of a web service.

    • Service Name Reference: A reference name for the service.

    • WSDL URI: Provides a URI to an external concrete WSDL resource containing the service description. URIs must be constant across all implementations of a service to enable interoperability.

  7. Click OK.

  8. Update Identity Server.