Viewing STS Service Details

EndPoint URL is the SOAP endpoint of STS. You must configure web service client and web service provider to these endpoints.

You can view the following details on the Home page, click Applications > Select a Cluster > Application Settings > WS-Fed Applications > EndPoint Summary:

Service Name: The name of the STS service endpoint that is configured in the web service client.

Port Name: The port that STS implements. This is configured in the web service client.

MEX EndPoint URI: The MetadataExchange endpoint of STS.

WSDL of STS Username authentication: WSDL location for username authentication. This file is used by applications that use the token service with username authentication.

WSDL of STS SAML authentication: WSDL location for SAML. This file is used by applications that use the token service with SAML authentication.