27.3.2 Viewing the Analytics Server Detailed Command Information

  1. On the Home page, click Analytics Servers > [server name]> Command Status.

  2. Click the name of a command to get the following information:

    • Name: The display name that has been given to the command.

    • Type: The type of command.

    • Admin: Whether the system or a user issued the command. If a user issued the command, the field contains the DN of the user.

    • Status: The status of the command such as Pending, Incomplete, Executing, and Succeeded.

    • Last Executed On: When the command was issued. The date and time are displayed in local time. If the command failed, additional information is available.

    For a command that fails because Administration Console cannot communicate with the Analytics Server, the page displays the following additional fields:

    • Number of Tries: The number of times the command was executed.

    • Command Try Log: Details of each attempt and the results.

  3. You can delete a command or update the current cache of recently executed commands.

  4. Click Close to return to the Command Status page.