22.10.9 Logging Analytics Server Events

You can set the log level for each component to view the output in the respective log file location. Ensure to restart the service after making any change.

  • Elasticsearch


     # log action execution errors for easier debugging
         logger.action.name = org.elasticsearch.action
         logger.action.level = debug

    NOTE:You can restart the service by using systemctl restart novell-elasticsearch.service command.

  • Logstash


        # ------------ Debugging Settings --------------
        # Options for log.level:
        #   * fatal
        #   * error
        #   * warn
        #   * info (default)
        #   * debug
        #   * trace
        log.level: info
        path.logs: /var/opt/novell/nam/logs/logstash
        # ------------ Other Settings --------------
        # Where to find custom plugins
        # path.plugins: []

    NOTE:You can restart the service by using systemctl restart novell-logstash.service command.

  • Kibana


    • Set the value of logging.silent to true to suppress all logging output.

      #logging.silent: false
    • Set the value of logging.quietto true to suppress all logging output other than error messages.

      #logging.quiet: false

      NOTE:You can restart the service by using systemctl restart novell-kibana.service command.

    • Set the value of logging.verbose to true to log all events, including system usage information and all requests.

      #logging.verbose: false






      Produces no logging output



      Only log messages tagged with error or fatal tags, or errors are recorded by the API.



      Log all the information including information about system usage and every request.


      Maps log types to the tags of the output. Supports * tag.

      Provides access to every possible combination of logging output filtering. Also supports custom logging setup by use of plug-ins.