5.2.5 Applying Configurations to Devices

After you add or modify configurations, perform the following steps to apply changes to a cluster:

  1. On the Home page, click Advanced File Configurator.

  2. Select the device-specific tab based on your requirement. For example, if you want to apply changes from an Access Gateway file, select the Access Gateway tab.

  3. Expand the cluster to which you want to apply configurations.

  4. Select the configuration file.

  5. Click the Send Configurations to Servers icon ().

    • If the server restart after modification is not required for the selected file, the changes are applied to devices.

    • If the server restart after modification is required for the selected file, a message is displayed indicating the requirement to click Update All on the respective server page.

      Perform one of the following actions based on the component for which you are applying configurations:

      • Identity Server: Click the Update All on the Identity Servers page.

      • Access Gateway: Click Update All on the Access Gateways page.

      • Administration Console: Restart Tomcat by running the /etc/init.d/novell-ac restart or systemctl restart novell-ac.service command.

IMPORTANT:The server.xml file is specific to each device as it contains the specific keystore password and server address in connectors. While applying changes from this file, IP addresses and keystore passwords available in server.xml connectors for that device are retained.