Creating or Modifying a Rewriter Profile

  1. On the Home page, click Access Gateways > Edit > [Name of Reverse Proxy] > [Name of Proxy Service] > HTML Rewriting.

  2. Select one of the following:

    • To create a new profile, click New, specify a name, select a profile type, then click OK.

    • To modify a profile, click the name of the profile.

  3. Use the Requested URLs to Search section to set up a policy for specifying the URLs you want this profile to match.

    If Requested URL Is: Specify the URLs of the pages you want this profile to match. Click New to add a URL to the text box. To add multiple values, enter each value on a separate line.

    And Requested URL Is Not: Specify the URLs of pages that this profile must not match. If a page matches the URL in both the If Requested URL Is list and And Requested URL Is Not list, the profile does not match the page. Click New to add a URL to the text box. To add multiple values, enter each value on a separate line.

    And Document Content-Type Is: Select the content-types you want this profile to match. To add a new content-type, click New and specify the name such as text/dns. Search your web pages for content-types to determine if you need to add new types. To add multiple values, enter each value on a separate line.

    For more information, see Page Matching Criteria for Rewriter Profiles.

  4. Use the Actions section to specify the actions the rewriter must perform if the page matches the criteria in the Requested URLs to Search section.

    Rewrite Inbound Query String Data: (Not available for Character profiles) Select this option to rewrite the domain and URL in the query string to match the web server. To use this option, your proxy service must meet the conditions listed in Possible Actions for Rewriter Profiles.

    Rewrite Inbound Post Data: (Not available for Character profiles) Select this option to rewrite the domain and URL in the Post Data to match the web server. To use this option, your proxy service must meet the conditions listed in Possible Actions for Rewriter Profiles.

    Rewrite Inbound Headers: Select this option to rewrite the following headers:

    • Call-Back
    • Destination
    • If
    • Notification-Type
    • Referer

    Enable Rewriter Actions: Select this action to enable the rewriter to perform any actions:

    • Select it to have the rewriter use the profile to rewrite references and data on the page. If this option is not selected, you cannot configure the action options.

    • Leave it unselected to disable rewriting. This allows you to create a profile for the pages you do not want rewritten.

  5. (Not available for Character profiles) If your pages contain JavaScript, use the Additional Names to Search for URL Strings to Rewrite with Host Name section to specify JavaScript variables or methods. You can also add HTML attribute names. (For the list of attribute names that are automatically searched, see HTML Tags.)

    Variable or Attribute Name to Search for Is: Lists the name of an HTML attribute or JavaScript variable to search to see if its value contains a URL string. Click New to add a name to the text box. To add multiple values, enter each value on a separate line.

    JavaScript Method to Search for Is: Lists the names of Java methods to search to see if their parameters contain a URL string. Click New to add a method to the text box. To add multiple values, enter each value on a separate line.

  6. Use the Additional Strings to Replace section to specify a string to search for and specify the text it must be replaced with. The search boundary (word or character) that you specified when creating the profile is used when searching for the string.

    To add a string, click New, and specify the following details:

    Search: Specify the string you want to search for. The profile type controls the matching and replacement rules. For more information, see one of the following:

    Replace With: Specify the string you want to use in place of the search string.

  7. Click OK.

  8. If you have more than one profile in the HTML Rewriter Profile List, use the up-arrow and down-arrow buttons to order the profiles.

    If you create more than one profile, order becomes important. For example if you want to rewrite all pages with a general rewriter profile (with a URL such as /*) and one specific set of pages with another rewriter profile (with a URL such as /doc/100506/*), you need to have the specific rewriter profile listed before the general rewriter profile.

    Even if multiple Word or Character profiles are enabled, a maximum of one Word profile and one Character profile is executed per page. The first Word profile and Character profile in the list that matches a page are executed, and the others are ignored.

  9. Select the profiles you want to use for this protected resource and click Enable.

    The default profile cannot be disabled. However, it is not executed if you have enabled another Word profile that matches your pages. This profile comes before the default profile in the list.

  10. To save your changes to browser cache, click OK.

  11. To apply your changes, on the Home page, click the Access Gateways link, then click Update > OK.

  12. The cached pages affected by the rewriter changes must be updated on Access Gateway. Do one of the following:

    • If the changes affect numerous pages, click Access Gateways, select the name of the server, and click Actions > Purge All Cache.

    • If the changes affect only a few pages, refresh or reload the page within the browser.