28.5.1 Monitoring the Health of Analytics Server

  1. On the Homepage, click Analytics Servers > [server name] > Health.

    The status icon is followed by a description that explains the significance of the current state. For more information about these icons, see Section 28.1, Health Status.

  2. Perform one of the following actions:

    • Click Refresh to get the latest health status from Administration Console.

    • Click Update from Server to send a request to Analytics Server to update the health status of the server. If you have made changes that affect the health of Analytics Server, select this option. It can take up to five minutes for the health status to change.

  3. Examine the Services Detail section that displays the status of each service.

    Service Category

    If Not Healthy

    Dashboard Server: Indicates whether the server for Analytics Dashboard is functioning properly.

    This service is used for displaying Analytics Dashboard.

    Restart Analytics Dashboard service.

    /etc/init.d/novell-dashboard stop
    /etc/init.d/novell-dashboard start

    NOTE:The device health is determined by the Dashboard service. If this service is stopped, Administration Console fails to get the health information of the device. Hence, the health status is displayed as Non-reporting.

    Kibana: This service is used for data analytics and data visualization.

    Restart the Kibana server.

    systemctl restart novell-kibana.service

    Logstash: This service is used for, gathering, processing, and generating the logs or events.

    Restart the Logstash server.

    systemctl restart novell-logstash.service 

    ElasticSearch DB: Indicates that all aggregated data is stored in Elastic Search. This service is used for data indexing.

    Restart the Elastic Search database service.

    systemctl restart novell-elasticsearch.service
  4. Click Close.