Web Services Framework

NOTE:The Liberty profile related tasks listed below are performed through Web Service Provider API (https://<admin-console-host>:<admin-console-port>/nps/swagger-ui.html).

The Web Services Framework page lets you manage all details pertaining web services. This includes a framework for building interoperable identity services, permission-based attribute sharing, identity service description and discovery, and associated security mechanisms.

  1. On the Home page, click Applications > Select a Cluster > [application name] > Liberty > Web Service Framework.

  2. Specify the following details:



    Enable Framework

    Select to enable Web Services Framework.

    Axis SOAP Engine Settings: Axis is the SOAP engine that handles all web service requests and responses. Web services are deployed using XML-based files known as web service deployment descriptors (WSDD). On startup, Access Manager automatically creates server-side and client-side configuration for Axis to handle all enabled web services.

    Axis Server Configuration WSDD XML

    Axis Client Configuration WSDD XML

    If you need to override the default configuration, provide valid WSDD XML in Axis Server Configuration WSDD XML and Axis Client Configuration WSDD XML. If either or both of these controls contain valid XML, Access Manager does not create the configuration (server or client) automatically on startup.

  3. Click OK.