This event is generated when you select Risk-Based Authentication Succeeded under Audit Logging on the Audit and Logging (on the Home page, click Identity Servers > [cluster name] > Audit and Logging) page of an Identity Server configuration.
The following is a sample JSON event format:
{ "appName" : "Novell Access Manager", "Component" : "nidp", "timeStamp" : "Fri, 31 Jul 2015 17:30:57 +0530", "eventId" : "002E0025", "Description": "NIDS: Risk based additional authentication executed successfully for user", "Originator": "9772686A5705BA6C", "Target": "cn=admin,o=novell", "SubTarget": "3883A05A302BA3BDC7899AF05810B08B", "stringValue1": "35", "stringValue2": "medium", "stringValue3": "null", "numericValue1": "0", "numericValue2": "0", "numericValue3": "0", "Data": "MTY0Ljk5LjEzNy41Mg==", "Message": "[Fri, 31 Jul 2015 17:30:57 +0530] [Novell Access Manager\nidp]: AMDEVICEID#9772686A5705BA6C: AMAUTHID#YfdEmqCT2ZutwybD1eYSpfph8g5a5aMl6MGryq1hIqc=: Risk based authentication successful for user: [cn=admin,o=novell]. RiskScore: [35] RiskLevel: [Medium] Additional authentication class: [$SF] Client IP Address: []", }
NOTE:The IP address is encoded in the base64 format.
The following table lists the event fields with its corresponding description:
Field |
Description |
appName |
Specifies the name of the product. |
Component |
Specifies the name of the Access Manager component. For example, “nipd” identifies that the audit is triggered by Identity Server. |
timeStamp |
Specifies the time when the event occurred. |
eventId |
Specifies the event ID. For example, 002E0025. To view all the events and their corresponding event IDs, see the below sections. |
Description |
Describes the event. |
Originator |
Specifies the ID of the device that generated this event. For example, 9772686A5705BA6C is the device with ID “idp-9772686A5705BA6C” |
Target |
Specifies the target on which this action is executed. In the above example, the action is risk-based authentication, hence the target is the user ID for that the risk was assessed. |
SubTarget |
Specifies the additional details about the target. |
stringValue1 |
Specifies an event-specific string value. The value of this field varies from event to event. For example, it is null if the event has no value to pass. |
stringValue2 |
Specifies an event-specific string value. The value of this field varies from event to event. For example, it is null if the event has no value to pass. |
stringValue3 |
Specifies an event-specific string value. The value of this field varies from event to event. For example, it is null if the event has no value to pass. |
numbericValue1 |
Specifies an event-specific string value. The value of this field varies from event to event. For example, it is null if the event has no value to pass. |
numbericValue2 |
Specifies an event-specific string value. The value of this field varies from event to event. For example, it is null if the event has no value to pass. |
numbericValue3 |
Specifies an event-specific string value. The value of this field varies from event to event. For example, it is null if the event has no value to pass. |
Data |
Specifies an event-specific data. |
Message |
Specifies a friendly detailed message related to the event. |
NOTE:The Syslog agents use the rfc3164 message format. See RFC 3164 documentation.