3.1.1 Managing an Identity Server

  1. On the Home page, click Identity Servers.

  2. The following options are available to manage Identity Servers:



    Plus icon

    To create a new cluster configuration. See Creating a Cluster Configuration.


    To refresh the server list.

    Update All Servers

    To update all Identity Servers in a cluster to use the latest configuration data, with options to include logging and policy settings.

    For more information, see Updating Identity Server Configuration.

    Cluster-level Options: Click Cluster actions to access the following options:

    Cluster Details

    To view and edit details of a cluster. See Editing Server Details.

    Cluster Statistics

    To view the cluster statistics. See Monitoring Identity Server Cluster Statistics.

    Edit Cluster

    To edit the cluster. See Creating a Cluster Configuration.

    Start All Servers

    To start all servers of the cluster.

    Stop All Servers

    To stop all sever of the cluster.

    Assign a Server

    To assign a server to a cluster configuration. See Assigning an Identity Server to a Cluster Configuration.

    Delete this Cluster

    To delete the cluster.

    Update Health

    To update the health of the cluster.

    Server-level Options: Click Server actions to access the following options:

    Server Details

    To view and edit the details of the server. See Editing Server Details.

    Server Statistics

    To view the server statistics. See Monitoring Identity Server Statistics.

    Command Status

    To view the commands of certificates that are associated with a device.

    Start the Server

    To start the selected server. See Restarting Identity Server.

    Stop the Server

    To stop the selected server. See Restarting Identity Server.

    Update Health

    To update the health of the cluster.

    Remove from this Cluster

    To remove one or more servers from a configuration. See Removing an Identity Server from a Cluster Configuration.

    Removing a sever from a cluster does not delete it. To delete a server, click Unassigned Servers icon, select the server, and click the delete icon.

    IMPORTANT:You cannot delete a running Identity Server. You must first stop the server before deleting it. Deleting removes the configuration object from the configuration store on Administration Console. To remove the server from the machine where it is installed, run the uninstall script on the server machine.

Starting and Stopping Identity Server Through Commands

To Start Identity Server

Run one of the following commands:

  • /etc/init.d/novell-idp start

  • systemctl restart novell-idp.service


To Stop Identity Server

Run one of the following commands:

  • /etc/init.d/novell-idp stop

  • systemctl stop novell-idp.service