Webmasters control how browsers cache information by adding the following cache-control directives to the HTTP headers:
Cache-Control: no-store Cache-Control: no-cache Cache-Control: private Cache-Control: public Pragma: no-cache
You can configure how the proxy service responds to these directives in the HTTP header.
On the Home page, click Access Gateways > Edit > [Name of Reverse Proxy] > [Name of Proxy Service] > HTTP Options.
To mark all pages coming through this host as cacheable on the browser, select Allow Pages to be Cached by the Browser.
If this option is selected, no-cache and no-store headers are not injected into the HTTP header.
You need to select this option if you have a back-end application that updates the data in the Last-Modified or ETag HTTP headers. These changes are forwarded from the web server to the browser only when this option is enabled.
You need to select this option if you want the Expires HTTP header forwarded from the web server to the browser.
If this option is not selected, all pages are marked as non-cacheable on the browser. This forces the browser to request a resend of the data from Access Gateway when a user returns to a previously viewed page.
By default, the Enable X-Forwarded-For option is enabled. X-Forwarded-For headers are used to pass browser ID information along with browser request packets. If the headers are included, web servers can determine the origin of browser requests they receive. If the headers are not included, browser requests have anonymity.
Apache is configured to always send the X-Forwarded-For, X-Forwarded-Host, and X-Forwarded-Server headers. You cannot change this behavior in Administration Console.
Click OK.
To apply the changes, click the Access Gateways link, then click Update > OK.