The gateway settings display the current gateway configuration that Access Gateway Appliance is using to route packets. On this page, you can also configure additional gateways. During installation, you could specify only a default gateway. You must have at least one gateway defined for Access Gateway to function.
Access Gateway routes requests to specific destinations through these gateways. If a request could be routed through multiple gateways, Access Gateway chooses the gateway associated with the most restrictive mask (the smallest range of destination addresses). The default gateway is used only when no other routes apply.
Gateways fall within the following three basic groups:
Host gateways for specific destination addresses.
Network gateways for destination addresses that fall within specific subnets.
The default gateway for destination addresses that are not covered by host or network gateways.
IMPORTANT:If you enter an IP address that is on a different subnetwork, Access Gateway reports an error on the Health page, after the configuration is applied.
To modify your current gateway configuration, perform the following steps:
On the Home page, click Access Gateways > Edit > Gateways.
Configure the default gateway. The default gateway is used when other routes are not available.
Field |
Description |
Next Hop |
The IP address of the gateway. |
Metric |
A relative number indicating the bias you can add to the normal flow of the gateway logic. Specifying a number higher than 1 makes this resource more expensive and alters the gateway logic used. Valid numbers include 1 through 16. |
Ethernet Interface |
Select the active network interface that will route the traffic from Access Gateway to the host gateway. For example, eth0, lo, wlan0 and “-”. Selecting the “-” interface routes the traffic using any available interface. Generally, eth0 is the first Ethernet interface, lo is the loop-back interface, and wlan0 is the first wireless network interface. |
Configure host gateways. The host gateways are used for sending packets to the specific hosts.
Click New under Host Gateway.
Specify the following details:
Field |
Description |
Next Hop |
The address of the host gateway that is to be used. |
Metric |
A relative number indicating the bias you can add to the normal flow of the gateway logic. Specifying a number higher than 1 makes this resource more expensive and alters the gateway logic used. Valid numbers include 1 through 16. |
Ethernet Interface |
Select the active network interface that will route the traffic from Access Gateway to the host gateway. For example, eth0, lo, wlan0 and “-”. Selecting the “-” interface routes the traffic using any available interface. Generally, eth0 is the first Ethernet interface, lo is the loop-back interface, and wlan0 is the first wireless network interface. |
Configure the network gateways. These gateways are used for sending packets to the specific subnets.
Click New under Network Gateway.
Specify the following details:
Field |
Description |
Next Hop |
The address of the network gateway that is to be used. |
Network Address |
The subnet address for the destination IP address range. You must enter the valid subnet address. |
Mask |
The subnet mask for the subnet or IP address above. A valid entry must be at least as large as a class mask where a Class A mask is, a Class B mask is, and Class C, D, and E masks are |
Metric |
A relative number indicating the bias you can add to the normal flow of the gateway logic. Specifying a number higher than 1 makes this resource more expensive and alters the gateway logic used. Valid numbers include 1 through 16. |
Ethernet Interface |
Select the active network interface that will route the traffic from Access Gateway to the host gateway. For example, eth0, lo, wlan0 and “-”. Selecting the “-” interface routes the traffic using any available interface. Generally, eth0 is the first Ethernet interface, lo is the loop-back interface, and wlan0 is the first wireless network interface. |
Click OK.
On the Server Configuration page, click OK > Update > OK.