5.4 Example Configuration: Modifying web.xml to Manage Administration Console Session Timeout

The web.xml file for Tomcat specifies how long an Administration Console session can remain inactive before the session times out and the administrator must authenticate again. The default value is 30 minutes.

This example illustrates how to change the default value in Administration Console web.xml using Advanced File Configurator. It is assumed that the file is not available on the Advanced File Configurator page.

Perform the following steps:

  1. On the Home page, click Advanced File Configurator.

  2. Select Administration Console.

  3. Click the plus icon () > Edit Configurations on the Server, and specify the following details:




    1. Select File.

    2. Select web.xml in File Name.

    3. File Path displays the default location for the selected file.

    cluster name

    This option does not apply to Administration Console.


    Select the device from which you want to import the file, and click Fetch File.


    Click File Editor and perform the following steps:

    1. Search for <session-timeout>.

    2. Modify the value.

    3. Click Save.

    You compare this file with a file from any server of the same or another cluster. For more information, see Comparing Configuration Files.

    Restart Administration Console

    By default, this option is turned on for web.xml. Keep it turned on.

    You will be prompted to restart Administration Console after sending the configuration change to devices.

    Temporary Modification

    Turn on the toggle if you do not want to retain this configuration change in the next Access Manager upgrade.

    Modification Type

    Select the type of modification from the list. You can specify the type manually if the list does not contain the required type.

    You can later use this information to search for files that are updated for a specific type. For example, you can search for all files for which Modification Type is Security Setting.


    Specify the details of the changes you have made in the file. As you might require to update the configurations many times over the period, you can use these details to track when and what changes were done in the file. You can also use this information as criteria to search for specific files.

  4. Click OK.

  5. Select web.xml that you have modified.

  6. Click the Send Configurations to Servers icon ().

  7. Click OK.

  8. Run the following command to restart all Administration Consoles for the change to take effect.

    /etc/init.d/novell-ac restart or systemctl restart novell-ac.service

The video illustrating these steps: