Importing Identity Server Clusters

  1. In Import Identity Server Clusters, specify the import action for each cluster available in the imported configuration. Select the desired options based on your requirements.

  2. In Clusters To Import, select a cluster to configure import settings.

  3. Select an action for the selected cluster from Import Action.

    • Import As New Cluster: To import the cluster as a new cluster. The new name must be different than the existing cluster names defined on that system.

    • Overwrite Existing Cluster: To overwrite the existing cluster with the selected cluster.

    IMPORTANT:Configure the import action for each cluster separately. If the cluster you want to import has only one user store, Code Promotion maps the user store to the default user store of the existing cluster. If the cluster you are importing has multiple user stores, you must specify how to map them to the user stores of the existing cluster.

  4. Click Next. Continue with Section 33.6.5, Post-Import Configuration Tasks.