27.4 Reviewing the Certificates Command Status

The command status displays only commands of certificates that are associated with a device. You can view the status of the commands that have been sent to the certificate server for execution.

  1. On the Home page, click Certificates > Command Status.

  2. Use the following options to review or change a server’s certificate command status:

    • Delete: To delete a command.

    • Refresh: To update the current cache of recently executed commands.

    • Name: To select all the commands in the list, then click Refresh or Delete.

    The following table describes the features on this page:




    Contains the display name of the command. Click the link to view additional details about the command.


    Specifies the status of the command. Some of the possible states of the command include Pending, Incomplete, Executing, and Succeeded.


    Specifies the type of server, such as Identity Server or Access Gateway.


    Specifies the command given, such as Import certificate or Import trusted root.


    Specifies if the system or a user issued the command. If a user issued the command, the DN of the user is displayed.

    Date & Time

    Specifies the local date and time the command was issued.

  3. To review the command information, click a link under the Name column.

    The following options are available:

    Refresh: To refresh the data for this command.

    Delete: To clear this command.

    The following command information is listed:

    Name: Specifies the display name that has been given to the command.

    Type: Specifies the type of command.

    Admin: Specifies whether the system or a user issued the command. If a user issued the command, the field contains the DN of the user.

    Status: Specifies the status of the command such as Pending, Incomplete, Executing, and Succeeded.

    Last Executed On: Specifies when the command was issued. The date and time are displayed in local time. If the command failed, additional information is available.

    For a command that Administration Console can successfully process, the page displays a Command Execution Details section with the name of the command and the command results.

  4. Click Close.