Configuring the Domain-Based Proxy Service

You must create a new reverse proxy before configuring the domain-based proxy service. Configure the Vibe domain as the primary proxy service and enable SSL between the browser and Access Gateway. For information about how to create a new reverse proxy, see Creating a Proxy Service.

  1. On the Home page, click Access Gateways > Edit > [Name of Reverse Proxy].

  2. In the Reverse Proxy List, click New, then specify the following details:

    Proxy Service Name: Specify a display name for the proxy service that Administration Console uses for its interfaces.

    Multi-Homing Type: Select Domain-Based.

    Published DNS Name: Specify the DNS name you want the public to use to access your site. This DNS name must resolve to the IP address you set up as the listening address. For example,

    Web Server IP Address: Specify the IP address of the Vibe server.

    Host Header: Select the Forward Received Host Name option.

    Web Server Host Name: Specify the DNS name of the Vibe server.

  3. Click OK.

  4. Click the newly added proxy service, then select the Web Servers tab.

  5. Change the Connect Port to 8080.

    If the Novell Vibe server has port forwarding enabled, you do not need to change from the default port 80.

  6. Click TCP Connect Options.

  7. Change the value of Data Read Timeout option to 300 seconds.

    This longer timeout is needed for file uploads.

  8. Click OK.

  9. Continue with Configuring Protected Resources.