35.15 NIDS: User Account Provisioned (002e000e)

This event is generated when you select the User Account Provisioned option under Audit Logging on the Audit and Logging (on the Home page, click Identity Servers > [cluster name] > Logging) page of an Identity Server configuration.

Description: NIDS: User account provisioned

Originator (B): Schema Title: Originator Data Description: JCC Device ID (AMDEVICEID#device_id:)

Target (U): Schema Title: User Store Identifier Data Description: Displayable user name

SubTarget (Y): null

Text1 (S): Schema Title: User Identifier Data Description: Authentication User Name

Text2 (T): Schema Title: Authentication Identifier Data Description: IDP Session ID (AMAUTHID#auth_id:)

Text3 (F): null

Value1 (1): 0

Group (G): 0

Data Length (X): 0

Data (D): null