Configuring Postal Address Attribute Maps

You can map the LDAP attribute name and values to the Liberty profile values for Postal Address. The PostalAddress element refers to the local address, including street or block with a house number, and so on. This is a Personal Profile attribute.

  1. On the Home page, click Applications > Select a Cluster > [application name] > Liberty > LDAP Attribute Mapping > New > Postal Address.

  2. Specify the following details:

    Name: The name you want to give the map.

    Description: A description of the map.

    Access Rights: If you set this to Read/Write, you can specify rights for individual data items.

    For user provisioning to succeed, you must select Read/Write for any maps that use an attribute during user provisioning.

    User Stores: The user store that a map applies to. If a user logs into a user store that is not in the map’s user store list, that map is not used to read or write attributes for that user.

  3. In Mode, select Multiple LDAP Attributes or Single Delimited LDAP Attributes.

    Multiple LDAP Attributes: Allows you to map multiple LDAP attributes to multiple Liberty Postal Address elements. When you select this option, the following Liberty Postal Address elements are displayed under the Postal Address to LDAP Attributes group. Type the LDAP attributes that you want to map to the Liberty elements.

    • Postal Address

    • Postal Code

    • City

    • State

    • Country

    Single Delimited LDAP Attributes: Allows you to specify one LDAP attribute that is used to hold multiple elements of a Liberty Postal Address in a single delimited value. When you select this option, the page displays the following fields:

    • Delimited LDAP Attribute Name: The delimited LDAP attribute name you have defined for the LDAP postal address that you want to map to the Liberty Postal Address attribute.

    • Delimiter: The character to use to delimit single-value entries. A $ sign is the default delimiter.

  4. (Single Delimited LDAP Attributes mode) Under One-Based Field Position in Delimited LDAP Attribute, specify the order in which the information is contained in the string. For example, select 1 for the value that comes first in the string, 2 for the value that follows the first delimiter.

  5. (Multiple LDAP Attributes mode) Under Postal Address Template Data, specify the following details:

    Nickname: (Required) A Liberty element name used to identify the Postal Address object.

    Contact Method Type: Select the contact method type, such as Domicile > Work, and Emergency.

  6. Click Finish > OK.

  7. Update Identity Server.