Current Day of Month Condition

The Current Day of Month condition allows you to restrict access based on the day of the month the request is made. Specify the following details:

Comparison: Specify how the current day of the month is compared to the data in the Value field.

Select one of the following types:

  • Comparison: Day of Month: Specifies that you want the values compared as a day of the month. Select one of the following operators:

    • Equals: Allows you to specify a day that the client must match.

    • In Range: Allows you to specify a range of days that the client’s request must fall within.

  • Comparison: Regular Expression: Matches: Specifies that you want the values compared as regular expressions. Regular expression matching uses the entire date of the server in its matching. Therefore if the value you are matching is 8, the 8 can produce a match for the year (2008), the month (8), and the day (8, 18, 28). If you want to match only on a day of the month (1-31), you need to use the Day of Month comparison rather than a Regular Expression comparison.

    If you select this option, you must also specify a mode. Select one or more of the following:

    • Canonical Equivalence
    • Case Insensitive
    • Comments
    • Dot All
    • Multi-Line
    • Unicode
    • Unix Lines

    For regular expression syntax information, see the Javadoc for java.util.regex.Pattern.

Value: Specify the second value for the comparison:

  • If you select Equals for the comparison type, you would normally select Data Entry Field for the Value field and specify a number from 1 to 31 in the text box.

  • If you select In Range for the comparison type, you would normally select Data Entry Field for the Value field and specify the first value of the range in the first text box and the second value of the range in the second text box. If you specify 1 in the first box and 15 in the second box, you can use this condition to restrict access between the first day of the month and the 15th day.

Other value types are possible. Your policy requirements determine whether they are useful. If you have set up an LDAP attribute that corresponds to a day of the month, you can use this option and select your attribute.

Result on Condition Error: Specify what the condition returns when the comparison of the two values returns an error rather than the results of the comparison. Select either False or True. If you do not want the action applied when an error occurs, select False. If you want the action applied when an error occurs, select True.