Adding New Network Interfaces to Access Gateway Appliance

Before you configure Access Gateway to use a new IP address, you must first use an operating system utility to add the IP address.

If you add new network interface cards to Access Gateway Appliance after installation, perform the following steps:

  1. Start YaST, click Network Devices > Network Card, then select the Traditional Method to configure the IP address.

  2. On the Home page, click Access Gateways > [access gateway name].

  3. On the Server Details page, click New IP, then click OK.

    Access Gateway scans the operating system for its configured IP addresses and adds any new addresses. Any new address is available for assignment on Access Gateway configuration pages.

  4. Click Access Gateways and then click Edit for the cluster or server that has the new card.

  5. Click Adapter List.

    The newly added network interface is displayed here. Use this page to change the IP address related configuration. Now on, you must not use YaST.