13.2.2 Installing Digital Airlines Components

The Digital Airlines example package contains the following components:

  • vpn.html: Specifies the GUI interface page for initiating a VPN session.

  • sales.php: Contains the sales PHP database files associated with the example.

  • payroll.html: Specifies the GUI interface page for initiating a payroll session.

  • medical.html: Specifies the GUI interface page for initiating a VPN session.

  • index.php: Contains the welcome HTML index file for establishing secure authentication.

  • sales: Specifies a subdirectory that can be configured to require basic authentication.

  • images: Contains all image files associated with the example.

In this example configuration, you use Access Gateway to protect the Digital Airlines website, which is installed on your Identity Server. This section describes where your example Digital Airlines components are located and how to add them to your Identity Server.

  1. Download the Digital Airlines Sample Pages.

  2. Download and extract htdocs.tar.gz from /digi-airlines/htdocs to a root directory of the web server. For an Apache 2 web server on SLES 11 SP1 and SP2, extract the files to the following directory (or to the Apache2 default htdocs directory):

  3. Determine the DNS name and IP address of the SUSE Linux server on which your example files are installed:

    1. Log in to the YaST as the root user.

    2. Click Network Services > Host Names, then write down the IP address and hostname of your server:

      IP Address: __________________________

      Hostname: __________________________

      As required later in the installation (see Step 7), you must provide the host name and server configuration information to establish the network connection between the web server you are protecting (the server where your web service components are located) and Access Gateway.

  4. Continue with Configuring Name Resolution.