34.13.2 Error Message While Testing a Database Connection

Error 1:

While testing a database connection, if the error message displays: "Driver com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver claims to not accept JDBC URL.....", then the issue can be due to the format of the specified URL.

To troubleshoot this issue, specify a correct format of the JDBC URL. You can refer to the example specified in the Edit Data Source interface.

Error 2:

While testing a database connection, if the error message displays: “driverClassName specified class 'com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver' could not be loaded”, or “driverClassName specified class 'oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDrive' could not be loaded”, then the issue is with the respective drivers.

To troubleshoot this issue, add the corresponding database drivers in Administration Console and Identity Server respectively. Restart Administration Console and Identity Server.

Error 3:

While testing a data source connection, if the error message displays: "Exception during pool initialization", then the issue can be with the incorrect SID specified in the database URL or due to incorrect port or hostname.

To troubleshoot this issue, check the error logs for any data source connection issues:

Linux: /opt/novell/nam/logs/adminconsole/tomcat/catalina.out