Configuring Oracle Database

  1. Unzip the file. This file contains the script to extend the database and sample configuration files. The file is located at the following location:


  2. On the Oracle server, run the following script to create database objects for risk-based authentication:

    Oracle 21c, 19c, 18c, and 12c: netiq_risk_oracle_12c_style_install.sql

    Earlier to Oracle 12c: netiq_risk_oracle_install.sql

  3. Download the JDBC connector for the Oracle database from

    NOTE:Oracle 19.x supports two JDBC connectors, ojdbc8.jar and ojdbc10.jar. However, ojdbc10.jar is not supported with JDK 8. Hence you must use the ojdbc8.jar file while using Oracle Database 19.c.

  4. Copy the JDBC connector jar to /opt/novell/rba-core/lib/webapp/WEB-INF/lib/.

  5. Restart Identity Server.