Configuring MySQL Database

Access Manager supports MySQL 8.0.30 and earlier.

IMPORTANT:If you are using SQL database and you are upgrading to Access Manager, you must run a utility to re-factor the database. This is to ensure that Access Manager and its associated products use the same naming convention.

  1. Unzip the file. This file contains the script to extend the database and sample configuration files. The file is located at the following location:


  2. On the MySQL server, run the following command to create database objects for risk-based authentication:

    mysql -h host -u username -p password netiq_risk_mssql_install.sql

  3. Download the JDBC connector for the MySQL database from

  4. Copy the JDBC connector to /opt/novell/rba-core/lib/webapp/WEB-INF/lib/.

  5. Restart Identity Server.