Identity Server must be accessible from outside the firewall so that Office 365 domain can communicate with Identity Server.
Sign up for an Office 365 account.
To single-sign on to any of the Office 365 applications, ensure that you download it from the Office 365 portal.
Create a federated domain in Office 365 and prove ownership of it. This ensures that you add your company domain into the Office 365 domain.
Ensure that the Windows 7 or Windows 8 workstations do not have the Active Directory Federation Service 2.0 snap-in installed.
Ensure that the Identity Server Base URL SSL certificate is issued by a well-known external certification authority (CA).
Install Microsoft Live Sign-in Module to help manage and establish a remote session with the Office 365 account that is created to manage the Office 365 domain.
Install Microsoft Azure Active Directory Module. To download, go to Install the MSonline module.
Run the following commands in Powershell by modifying the commands with your domain name as per your setup. The domain name in the example is
From the Start Menu launch Windows Azure Active Directory Module for Windows PowerShell.
Run $cred=Get-Credential and specify your cloud service administrator account credentials.
Ensure that you have the identity server certificate in the .cer format. Access Manager does not support the .ctr format.
Run Connect-MsolService –Credential $cred
For example, if the name of the domain is and the Base URL of Identity Server is, execute the following commands at the Powershell prompt:
NOTE:In this example, the port is not specified in Base URL as it uses the default port 443. If you use a different port, specify the port in Base URL, such as
$dom = ""
$url = ""
$ecpUrl = ""
$uri = ""
$logouturl = ""
$mex = ""
$cert = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2 "<name and path of the certificate>"
$certData = [system.convert]::tobase64string($cert.rawdata)
$brand = "NamTest Co Bangalore"
Use the following cmdlet to update the settings of the single sign-on domain.
Set-MsolDomainAuthentication -FederationBrandName $brand -DomainName $dom -Authentication Federated -PassiveLogOnUri $url -SigningCertificate $certData -IssuerUri $uri -ActiveLogOnUri $ecpUrl -LogOffUri $logouturl -MetadataExchangeUri $mex
NOTE:You can enable or disable auto-populating of the username on the Identity Server login page. For more information, see HTTP POPULATE LOGINNAME FROM WSFED AUTH REQUEST.
At least one user in Office 365 to verify that single sign-on is set up. If you have an existing user, ensure that the Immutable ID matches the GUID of the Access Manager user.
For instance if your user store is eDirectory and you want to retrieve the GUID of an existing Access Manager user, execute the following command on the eDirectory server terminal:
ldapsearch -x -h -p 389 -D cn=admin,o=novell -w novell -b cn=anand,o=novell guid
Where h is host, p is port, D is bind credential, w is password, b is search scope, and guid is the attribute to search.
Create an Office 365 user with this GUID as the Immutable ID by using the following command in Powershell:
new-msolUser -userprincipalName "user1@domain name" -immutableID "GUID of user1" - lastname "lastname of user 1" -firstname user1 -DisplayName "user1 users" -BlockCredential $false -"LicenseAssignment testdomain:ENTERPRISEPACK" -usageLocation "two letter country code[example: US,IN,DE,BE,GB etc]" -Password "password of the user" - LicenseAssignment validlicense.
Procedure to verify:
To verify that single sign-on is set up correctly, perform the following procedure in a server that is not added to the domain.
Go to Microsoft Online Services.
Log in with your corporate credentials. (For example:
If single sign-on is enabled, the password field is dimmed. You will instead see the following message: You are now required to sign in at <your company>.
Select the Sign in at your company link.
If you are able to sign in without errors, single sign-on is set up successfully.