You can download previously exported configuration files. Access Manager saves these exported files on the primary Administration Console system also in /var/opt/novell/novlwww/namconfig.
You can delete or back up these files if needed. If you delete these files from the disk, the Code Promotion page does not list them any longer.
The exported configuration data includes:
Identity Server configuration
Cluster configuration
IDP Global Settings
Identity Server policies
Risk-based authentication configuration
Access Gateway configuration
Proxy services and protected resources
Access Gateway policies
NOTE:You cannot export configuration of an Access Gateway that is not part of any Access Gateway cluster.
Perform the following steps to export the configuration data:
Log in to Administration Console from where you want to export the configuration data.
On the Home page, click <user name> at the top right of the page and then click Code Promotion.
In the Code Promotion page, click Export Configuration.
Based on your requirements, select the configuration to export:
Identity Server Configuration: Exports all clusters, IDP Global settings, keystores, trust stores, and Identity Server policies.
Access Gateway Configuration: Exports proxy services, protected resources, and Access Gateway policies. Code Promotion exports all Identity Server dependent configurations, such as contracts assigned to protected resources, even though you selected only Access Gateway configuration to export.
Click Next.
(Optional) Specify a password to encrypt the archived configuration data file.
You require this password to decrypt the ZIP file while importing configuration data into another environment.
Click OK and save the exported configuration on your local system.
NOTE:You can delete the exported configuration data by selecting the required configuration, then clicking Delete.