14.2 Scaling Access Gateway

IMPORTANT:Administration Console pod will restart while scaling Access Gateway up or down.

  1. Make sure that additional worker nodes are available.

    For example, if you want to scale Access Gateway from one instance to four, three additional worker nodes must be available.

  2. Run the following command:

    helm upgrade --namespace <name-of-the-namespace> <release-name> access-manager --set am-ag.replicaCount=<number-of-Access-Gateway-instances> --reuse-values

    For example, if you want four instances of Access Gateway and the values of the command’s elements are as follows:



    Name of the Namespace


    Release name


    Number of Access Gateway instances


    Then the command will look as follows:

    helm upgrade --namespace development my-deployment access-manager --set am-ag.replicaCount=4 --reuse-values

  3. Log in to Administration Console, and add the nodes to the cluster.

To scale down, perform the following steps:

  1. Reduce the value of am-ag.replicaCount and run the following command:

    helm upgrade --namespace <name-of-the-namespace> <release-name> access-manager --set am-ag.replicaCount=<number-of-Access-Gateway-instances> --reuse-values

  2. Delete the persistent volume and persistent volume claim:

    kubectl delete pvc $(kubectl get pv | grep am- | grep Terminating | awk '{​​​​​print $6}​​​​​' | cut -d "/" -f2) -n <name-of-the-namespace>

  3. Delete the unused worker nodes.

  4. Log in to Administration Console, then remove the nodes from the cluster.