Modify logoutSuccess.jsp to add the following lines in which are bold. This code clears the SharePoint service-specific cookie created by Access Gateway.
NativeClientPersistentAuthenticationClass.clearCookie(request, response); { final Cookie newCookie = new Cookie("_PA_SDK_SSO_", ""); newCookie.setMaxAge(0); newCookie.setPath("/nidp/"); response.addCookie(newCookie); }
//***Expire the MFNAMSP Cookie **
Cookie mfcookie = new Cookie("MFNAMSP", null);
NIDPSessionAssurance nidpSessAssurance = NIDPSessionAssurance.getInstance();
response.setHeader("Connection", "close");
UIHandler uh = new UIHandler(request,response);
For information about how to modify a configuration file, see Modifying Configurations.
Change the logout URL to nidp/app/logout in the SharePoint identity provider by using the following command in PowerShell:
$ip = get-sptrustedidentitytokenissuer $ip.ProviderSignOutUri = "https://<>/nidp/app/logout" $ip.update()